Dear, dear people… this living message, i.e. the content of this message is constantly subject to change, constantly adjusted, sharpened, is presented to you here…

It is of the highest and utmost importance that each of us works to create harmony in and around our immediate environment in order to neutralize this world disaster together.

Please do not underestimate what you as an individual can accomplish in the world. Every little change you make, every movement, every thought you grasp, even in your own self, without the involvement of other people, has its BBBIIIGGG irreversible effect in the world.

If just a flutter of a butterfly can have such a huge effect in determining the world’s climate, let alone we as humans who can cause MANY MANY & MUCH MUCH larger effects have actually already caused major global disasters are to cause.
One human have the potential capacity to destroy earth… 7 times !!!

The reflection of  (y)our individual lifes including disharmony, disaster (illness, dissatisfaction, greed, hatred, …) can be seen, experienced in the world around us !!! The world, “your” world is a mirror of

That is why it is of the utmost importance to work on this. NOBODY, really NOBODY can say “I have nothing to do with this crisis, disaster”.

Spreading HATE and DISPOSITION in/through this chat group will ONLY EXTEND the disaster we are all in right now. STOP all forms of scaremongering, whether it is truth or not (hoax) !!! Fostering fear is exactly the same as spreading darkness. Love casts out fear.

Everyone is called to restore good harmony in your small individual life in order to restore harmony in the world. WE REALLY HAVE TO DO THIS TOGETHER, it’s really not possible to get just a few of our GLOBAL HARMONY together…

So YES, work on morality. Those 10 commandments are the absolute minimum and really the easiest to start with !!!

Can you, if you appear before God’s face (ie just drop dead) at this exact second, offer a clean slate, be totally capable of answering fully to the Supreme Court of Heaven??? “It really sucks if you say: ‘I don’t believe in that’ and you suddenly come before this Court of Justice. Can you see it? You will immediately be the first to hear: “NOT INTERESTING, here is the settlement… everyone is born with conscience (for free) right? This ration is your guide, so you had better listened to it!”

A Sage King in the past blamed himself with the thought: “If the people in myriad regions commit offenses, these offenses must rest on my person.”
Alas… those wise king(s) no longer exist. So you are now really on your own!!!

It is absolutely NOT IMPORTANT whether you see or understand that each of us is individually responsible for the origin AND maintenance of this disaster.

Each of us cannot possibly see the Earth from our own perspective without boarding a shuttle ourselves, or seeing from great heights that the Earth is oval, round, or flat – nor can you see the global effect of our acting individually, unless you can pull yourself (your consciousness) up through waking up, by gaining higher consciousness, frequency through prayer and meditation and taking classes of e.g. the tao or doing this obligatory “Course In Miracles” for all…

It does require a “higher” consciousness to be able to see that “world” is a reflection of your inner world. In other words, what we see in the formal world is a projection of our (all of us) mind, mind, consciousness. Therefore if you as an individual act greedy… on purpose NOT said “are” because our true nature definitely IS NOT SO. Our true nature is of course LIGHT (we are made of star dust !!!), DIVINE and therefore most definitely NOT hateful, NOT greedy, NOT ignorant, NOT … then this greed manifests in your world, then you come in many greedy issues, people in your world…

Get started right now!!! Lots of work to do!!! Hurry, time is running out!!! HARMONY is the key word…

Calling everyone to help…

Big kisses…